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Mother and brother's body kept at home for a year!

After the death of the mother and twin brother, the person did not make any arrangements for cremation or inform the relatives.

The Dhaka Times Desk Everyone knows that death is inevitable. People are no longer kept at home after death. That is the normal rule of the world. But one person ignored the rules and kept the bodies of his mother and brother at home for a year!

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His mother and twin brother died in the man's house. After that, the person did not take any initiative to cremate their bodies or inform their relatives.

Almost a year has passed like this. One such incident has been reported in the US state of Minnesota.

The man named Robert Kueffler made such an incident. However, no explanation has been found as to why he kept their bodies in the house for so long. It is believed that he committed such an act due to mental illness.

Why did you do this? In response to this question, Robert said, 'I was very hurt after my mother and brother died. What can you do in such a situation?'

According to local police Captain Dale Hager, 60-year-old Kueffler was arrested. He has been charged with mutilation of dead bodies.

Police said Kueffler removed his brother's body after he died. However, preliminary investigations suggest that his mother and brother died of natural causes.

After his death, silence descended on the Kueffler home. That's why he didn't take care of the house garden. Their presence was not seen at home. The house looked like an abandoned house. A neighbor noticed the matter and informed the police. After that, the police went to the house and managed to arrest the person and uncover the incident.

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