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Hanipreet's eating and sleeping is forbidden because of Ram Rahim's worries!

Priyanka Taneja aka Honeypreet Insan, adopted 'daughter' of India's rapist 'cleric' Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh

The Dhaka Times Desk Ram Rahim, who is in jail in India, has not been written less in the media. This time the news of his adopted daughter Honeypreet is in the headlines. Hanipreet's eating and sleeping is forbidden because of Ram Rahim's worries!

রাম রহিমের দুশ্চিন্তায় হানিপ্রীতের খাওয়া-ঘুম হারাম! 1

According to The Times of India, Ram Rahim's adopted daughter Honeypreet is incarcerated in Ambala Central Jail in the Indian state of Haryana. His colleague Sukhdeep Kaur is with him. They are kept completely separate from other inmates.

According to media reports, Priyanka Taneja aka Honeypreet Insan, the adopted 'daughter' of India's rapist 'cleric' Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh, is not doing well in prison. During the first night in prison, he did not eat anything. Spent the whole night without sleep.

According to media reports, Honeypreet did not eat at night after going to jail on Friday. He did not sleep well at night. After reaching there, Honeypreet repeatedly wanted to meet foster 'father' Ram Rahim.

The doctors said that Honeypreet's physical condition is absolutely normal. He has to follow strict rules in prison. The next day, Saturday, at 6 am, he was put to sleep. After bathing two pieces of bread are given for breakfast.

It is to be noted that the Panchkula court of Haryana ordered Honeypreet to be sent to jail on Friday. Earlier, he was arrested along with a woman from a car on Zirkapur-Patiala highway in Punjab state. He was then taken into police custody for questioning. On the other hand, Ram Rahim was found guilty of raping two female devotees in the same court of Haryana on August 25. After that violence spread everywhere. Devotees attacked the police, vandalized cars and set fire to various places. 41 people were killed. At least 200 people were injured. Honeypreet admitted to the police that she was behind the August 25 violence.

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