The Dhaka Times
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Suu Kyi went to Rakhine and called for an end to the conflict!

When the whole world was worried about Rakhine, the leader of Myanmar was sitting in the house and making various comments

The Dhaka Times Desk Suu Kyi went to Rakhine and called for an end to the conflict! The impression is that nothing much has happened in Rakhine. The Rakhines are involved in a little dispute!

রাখাইনে গিয়ে সু চি ‘বিবাদ বন্ধের’ আহ্বান জানালেন! 1

While the whole world was worried about Rakhine, the leader of Myanmar (one time internationally famous) Aung San Suu Kyi was sitting at home making various comments. But this time he got lucky. When he visited the Rohingyas for the first time, the leader of Myanmar called for an end to the conflict!

On August 25, more than 600,000 Rohingya fled to Bangladesh to save their lives after the army launched a new operation in the Rakhine region. Thousands of Rohingyas are still crossing the border into Bangladesh.

Amid criticism from the international community, Suu Kyi left for Maungdu on a military helicopter from Sittwe, Rakhine State at 9 a.m. on Thursday without any prior announcement. Going to Mangdu, he went to the Rohingya area by road. Suu Kyi also got out of the car and spoke to people gathered on the street.

Suu Kyi said only 3 things - One, they should live peacefully. Two, the government will support them. Three, should not argue among themselves!

রাখাইনে গিয়ে সু চি ‘বিবাদ বন্ধের’ আহ্বান জানালেন! 2

About 20 people including army and police officers accompanied Suu Kyi during her visit to Rakhine. Among them was a businessman who was once subject to US sanctions.

Last month, the Myanmar leader announced the start of resettlement of the Rohingya in Rakhine and hoped for cooperation from wealthy businessmen.

The government of the country has announced to take back the Rohingyas who fled from Myanmar and settled in Bangladesh, and those who can be found living in Rakhine.

It should be noted that the negotiations between Bangladesh and Myanmar on the return of the Rohingyas are in process. However, no bottom line is yet to be seen.

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