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Cockroaches die when they are angry, but why?

Even if all the animals on earth are wiped out, the cockroach is one of the few animals that will survive in the end!

The Dhaka Times Desk When we give cockroach killing medicine, we see many cockroaches are angry. Although both are alive, it is seen that they are angry. Once a chit is formed it does not last. It cannot even stand up. But why is this?

তেলাপোকা চিৎ হলেই মৃত্যুবরণ করে, কিন্তু কেনো? 1

A saying is as common as a proverb. And that is, even if the world is destroyed in a nuclear war, even if all the animals on earth are wiped out, the cockroach is one of the few animals that will survive in the end. This does not mean, however, that cockroaches are immortal. Rather, this idea is due to the fact that cockroaches survive in extremely hostile environments. They can survive for about a week without water and about a month without food. Not only that, even if the head of a cockroach is severed from its body by an injury, it survives by closing the holes in the cut area very quickly and breathing through different parts of the body!

Even then, cockroaches regularly die after a certain life span is exceeded, either by enemy attack or by pesticide application. Most people die in their homes, most of them are found to die upside down. The question may come, why do cockroaches die? Scientists and researchers have given different explanations for it at different times.

One of the main reasons why cockroaches die is because their physical capacity decreases during death. Even when overturned in a normal state, they use their long legs to straighten themselves up again easily. But at the end of life
Or if they are overturned due to an insecticide, then they cannot straighten again because the muscles cannot supply the energy needed to straighten again. Then slowly fell to death.

The long 6-legged cockroach uses leg muscle power to stay upright. The body must have enough nutrients to provide regular blood supply to the leg muscles. In old age or when they are sick, it becomes very difficult for them to stand with their body weight on their feet. At that time their legs become weak and become bent and folded. In such a situation, if their body somehow turns upside down, then it becomes impossible for them to straighten their legs from their normal folded position by leaning on them.

Another reason is that cockroaches have a high center of gravity due to their long legs. However, in a strong state, it does not cause any problem in their movement. But due to physical weakness at the time of death, it becomes very difficult for them to stand on their long legs. Their legs are folded and after sitting down on the ground, the curved, smooth structure of their back often makes them squirm when moving.

According to scientists, there are about 5 thousand species of cockroaches in the world. But most of them live in forests. Of these, only half a dozen to ten types of cockroaches live or can be called useful in residential areas.

However, many different species of cockroaches often enter people's homes by mistake. Once inside, they find no easy way out. As these types of cockroaches are used to living in forests, man-made smooth tile floors are not at all suitable for their movement. They have trouble walking on smooth surfaces, and if somehow tipped over, it becomes impossible for them to stand upright. So not only old or sick cockroaches, but also healthy cockroaches, once they become active, will slowly die if no one helps them.

However, in this case, cockroaches are quite intelligent. Once they are upright, they lie down pretending to be dead when they are unable to straighten up after trying for some time. Then if a hostile animal touches them, or if a human tries to move them with a broom or something else, it immediately grabs hold of that animal or broom and tries to get up straight and run away.

On the other hand, what happens under the influence of insecticides is that the 6 legs of the cockroach have to be specially folded in order to stand upright. It depends not only on nutrition and blood flow, but also on a complex network of nerves extending between each pair of legs. They control the movement of the legs by providing constant stimulation. This is one of the reasons why cockroaches can move without their heads.

Most of the pesticides we apply to cockroaches for general killing are neurotoxins. That is, they directly poison the nerves of cockroaches and severely inhibit their nervous activity. These toxic pesticides inhibit the release of an enzyme called cholinesterase from the cockroach's body. The job of these stimulators is to break down a chemical called acetylcholine (ACh), which regulates nerve activity.

In this case, due to the decrease in the release of cholinesterase due to the insecticide, excess ACh starts coming into the cockroach's nervous system. Due to which they cause adverse reactions in the body. Their leg muscles begin to contract and sometimes become completely numb. Due to which they completely lose control over their legs. Since the center of gravity of their body is quite high, they lose control of their legs and often fall over. Then he could not get up and slowly died.

If not all cockroaches die of suffocation. Rather, according to scientists, dying of starvation is not normal for cockroaches, it is rather an exception. Researchers believe that only a small part of the large number of cockroaches that live in the forest in nature die in this way.

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