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Looking for two and a half thousand years of gymnasium in Egypt!

It is an artifact of the ancient Hellenistic or Greek period

The Dhaka Times Desk This time in Egypt found two and a half thousand year old gymnasium! It has been excavated the gymnasium of the 3rd BC.

মিশরে আড়াই হাজার বছরের জিমনেশিয়ামের সন্ধান! 1

A two and a half thousand year old gymnasium (physical training center) has been found in Egypt. It has been excavated the gymnasium of the 3rd BC.

Researchers claim that it is an artifact of the ancient Hellenistic or Greek period. A joint team of German and Egyptian archaeologists discovered this historic gymnasium at Watfa in Fayom province, 50 miles southwest of Cairo.

According to media reports, it was created 2,300 years ago. Watfa is an area of the ancient village of Philoteris, built by King Polemi II in the 3rd century BC. The place is named after his sister Philothera. This information was given by the Ministry of Antiquities of Egypt.

In this regard, the head of the Ancient Egyptian Antiquities Sector told the media. According to Ayman Ashmawi, this fitness center is huge. There is also a large meeting hall. Various sculptures adorned these halls.
There is also a large dining area. It also has a 200 meter long running track.

It appears that a garden surrounds the entire gymnasium. German Archaeological Institute (DAI) expert and head of this team. According to Cornelia Romer, the gymnasiums of the ancient Greeks were frequented by the wealthy. The youth of the upper classes of the Greeks came to Egypt to provide this training. Also they used to study and write. This gymnasium in Egypt was also used for the same purpose. Researchers continue to study after finding it. They may find more important information about this gymnasium.

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