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According to your zodiac sign, marriage is good on any day in 2018!

Today is a list for those who are of marriageable age or who are planning to get married next year

The Dhaka Times Desk Many of us believe in fate. So many people follow the horoscope. Find out today which day in 2018 will be auspicious for you to get married according to your zodiac sign!

Today is a list for those who are of marriageable age or who are planning to get married next year. According to the marriage chart your marriage will be auspicious. That means you can choose the auspicious day.

Especially those who believe in horoscope must read this article once. If you want to know whether your marriage date will be auspicious or not, just read this and you will get all the answers. In fact, since ancient times, the date of marriage is fixed according to Takkuji Kushti. However, according to the Hindu custom, the marriage date is always done according to Takkuji Kushti. However, many Muslim families decide the date of marriage very carefully. It has been in this country for generations. However, in the modern era, these are not accepted anymore.

But apart from Takkuji Kusthi or priests, we can also find a good luck. So today's report has been prepared to find the perfect one for your auspicious day. But one thing must be remembered, that is, to decide the date of marriage, the first thing to keep in mind is the date of birth. Then it will be very convenient for you to fix the date of marriage.

Those born from April 21 to May 21

Those born between this date are Taurus. Number 7 is very auspicious for them. So you can get married on this date. Astrologers believe that it will maintain love and financial prosperity for you and your spouse.

Those born from May 22 to June 21

Those born between May 22 and June 21 are Geminis. The lucky number of 2018 for them is 9. You should choose this day as auspicious for marriage so that no mishap occurs. Another thing you have to keep in mind is that this year you should do something only with the right decision. Never do any work in haste.

Those born from June 22 to July 21

Those born between June 22 and July 21 are Cancers. Number 15 is very auspicious for the natives of this zodiac sign. So, you can sit on the marriage table on this day by looking at the time of day. Remember that this year you can slowly express your feelings. It will make your married life happy.

Those born from July 23 to August 21

Those born between July 23 and August 21 are Leos. The lucky number for them this year is 3. Try to value the opinion of both you and your spouse. In this, in any problem in married life, as two people can always be by each other's side, happiness and peace will be maintained in the three worlds.

Those born from August 22 to September 23

Those born between August 22 and September 23 are Taurus. The lucky number of 2018 for them is 11. Try to forgive your partner's minor faults. In this, both can stay close to each other's minds.

Those born from September 24 to October 21

Those born from September 24 to October 21 are Libras. Number 2 is very auspicious for them. Marriage on this day will bring happiness in the married life of Libra natives and they will also improve in life. At the same time, their family will be away from any bad incident.

Those born from October 22 to November 21

Those born between October 22 and November 21 are Scorpios. The number 18 is very auspicious for the natives of this zodiac sign. If you get married on this day, happiness and prosperity will be maintained in the family. But try to forgive each other's minor mistakes. It will make your life sweeter.

Those born from November 22 to December 22

Those born between November 22 and December 22 are Sagittarius. The most auspicious number for them is 21. If you get married on this day, you will have happiness and peace in the days to come. Consider everyone else in the family's opinion and their decisions about the marriage as well. You will see that everyone can spend the day happily.

Those born from December 23 to January 20

Those born from December 23 to January 20 are Capricorns. The most auspicious number for them is 30. If Capricorn natives get married on this day, they can gain various experiences in life. You can keep the power of your mind awake. Due to this, you will see great improvement in your family and work life.

Those born from January 21 to February 19

Those born between January 21 and February 19 are Aquarius. The most auspicious number for you is 14. It will have a relationship of love, cooperation and emotional stability between the two. By doing this, prosperity and happiness will be maintained in the world. Therefore, the number 14 is very auspicious for Aquarius natives.

Those born from February 20 to March 20

The number 20 is very lucky for those born between February 20 and March 20. So you can get married on this day. However, as you go through life learn to differentiate between reality and dreams. You will find peace in your life. There will be no room for turmoil or defilement in the world.

Those born from March 21 to April 20

People born from March 21 to April 20 are Aries zodiac sign. The natives of this zodiac sign will not have everything clear at the beginning of the year. By the end of the month, you will be able to get a better understanding of everything. Therefore, for marriage, the end of the month is good for the horoscope of this zodiac sign. That is, after the 25th.

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