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The story of a country where people are sold at auction!

Recently such a news is again reminding the words of that servant

The Dhaka Times Desk Many things are sold at auction. That's what people say! That's right. There is a story of a country today, where people are sold at auction!

নিলামে মানুষ বিক্রি হয় এমন এক দেশের গল্প! 1

We have heard those stories from the early days, the kritadas practice. That is, slaves or maids were bought by big rich people. They are using him as they wish. That kritadas system no longer exists anywhere in the world. But recently such a news is again reminding the words of that servant.

For example, the seller is quoting 900 dinars. Its price rises from 1,000 to 1100 dinars. This is how he continues to steal the price of a man.

This is exactly how people are being bought and sold! Two people cost only 800 US dollars. These people are being sold as modern-day slaves for only 400 dollars per person!

According to media reports, there are at least 9 slave markets in Libya. American media CNN gave such a report after visiting the ground. CNN also provided evidence of this through undercover cell phone video.

The video shows a fit man being sold for a job in a firm. But the person doing the selling is away from the camera. These real images were caught by CNN hidden cameras.

Recently in Tripoli, Libya, it can be seen that 12 to 13 people are being sold as slaves in just 6 to 7 minutes. At the time of sale, Krita dasas were auctioned for the specific occupation in which they excelled.

Buyers agree to buy at the price they can afford! Within minutes they are selling their own fortunes. The sold people are handed over to their new buyers.

Talking to two people who have been sold, they seem emotionally devastated and scared. They were unable to speak, reports said.

Every year at least 10,000 people cross the Libyan border to Europe in the hope of a better life. Most of them sell everything and try to cross the Mediterranean to Europe. Lately, due to the strong position of the Libyan coast guard, some boats carrying people end up in the hands of people smugglers. Because of which these refugees and aspirants become slaves.

After handing over all these information and videos to the Libyan government, they announced that they would conduct an investigation into this matter. According to the Libyan government, a group of criminals continue to carry out such crimes in a well-organized manner.

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