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'Myanmar will have to pay a heavy price for the persecution of Muslims'

There are also many Buddhists in our country, they are living peacefully

M. H. Sohail One day Myanmar will have to 'pay a heavy price for the torture of Muslims' by the Myanmar military's torture of Rohingya Muslims on innocent people.

‘মুসলমানদের উপর নির্যাতনের জন্য এক সময় মিয়ানমারকে চরম মূল্য দিতে হবে’ 1

We all know that every state treats them according to their caste, religion, caste and color. Although there is a lot of hatred against Muslims, even in the United States, Muslims are living peacefully. Although there is some backlash in the rest of the world for some Muslims, no country puts all Muslims in the same line. Every state is given freedom to practice its own religion.

We always see some problems even in our neighboring country India. They have prevented Muslims from practicing their religion in many ways, starting from slaughtering cows. But it is not everywhere. This happens in some states. But on the whole it can be said that Muslims are living peacefully in that Hindu state.

There are many Muslims in America. They are also living peacefully there. Because after the 1/11 incident, Muslims are in a lot of trouble. The Americans also understand that the entire Muslim community cannot survive because of a few individuals. So the Muslims there can be said to be living peacefully. In this way, the Muslim community is spread in different parts of the world.

Although our country is a Muslim country, people of all religions live here. Hindus, Christians, Buddhists are living here. We have never seen them separately. At least it is understood that Durga Puja is the most religious festival of Hindus. This festival is celebrated universally in our country. There are also many Buddhists in our country, they are living peacefully. A couple of isolated attacks on Hindus may happen in our country only for political reasons; Not state wise.

‘মুসলমানদের উপর নির্যাতনের জন্য এক সময় মিয়ানমারকে চরম মূল্য দিতে হবে’ 2

But what Myanmar is doing is state-wise. Stately, a country is leaving home by persecuting people of a religion! Myanmar army is committing one of the heinous crimes in world history by burning houses. The whole world on one side and Myanmar alone on one side!

Can this ever happen? Can such torture be accepted? Today, human rights organizations around the world are vocal. Not every country in the world can accept this behavior. It is not yet clear what Myanmar actually intends to do by displacing millions of people. But one day Myanmar will have to answer for this atrocity. They have to pay for it. One day Myanmar will have to pay a heavy price for such torture and torture on its own citizens.

Aung San Suu Kyi, once a humanitarian leader, will pay a heavy price for this. Although he has already started getting his samples. Many of the world's honors bestowed upon him are eventually withdrawn. It is doubtful whether such an event has ever been seen before in the history of the world. However, how Suu Kyi presents herself to the international community is a matter of concern. He should have stepped down from power taking responsibility for this failure. One day, the one who was respected by the world, was held up on his head. Today, that leader has been thrown into the dungeon. What else can be said?

‘মুসলমানদের উপর নির্যাতনের জন্য এক সময় মিয়ানমারকে চরম মূল্য দিতে হবে’ 3

About 700,000 Rohingyas who were expelled from Myanmar and entered through the border have given shelter to Bangladesh. By sheltering them, Bangladesh has set an example of humanity to the people of the world. The initiative taken by a small country like Bangladesh will be a role model for other countries of the world.

One last thing needs to be said. And that is, the Myanmar government still has time. They can partially atone for their actions by taking back and rehabilitating the Rohingyas. Otherwise, once their backs hit the wall, they will have no choice. I wish that there will be prosperity in Myanmar.

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