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Modern high speed tube train is coming, speed 6500 km per hour!

The Dhaka Times Desk The most annoying thing about traveling is wasting time. Even if the sky travel time was saved a little, the people who were intoxicated with new discoveries could never be satisfied. Modern science and technology have already invented tube trains that will outperform all vehicles. The train is said to have a top speed of 6,500 kilometers per hour and will take just 45 minutes to travel from New York to Los Angeles. Evacuated Tube Transport Technologies (ET3) A company named is planning the tube train.


Total distance from New York to Los Angeles is 3940 km. It takes 5 hours 45 minutes to cover this distance by air. And it is possible to reach smoothly in just 45 minutes by tube train. For this, the passenger has to pay only 100 dollars. This is not the end, it takes only 2 hours to travel from New York to Beijing. This specially designed tube train will run through evacuated tube transport (ETT). Each tube is 16 feet long, 5 feet in diameter and weighs 183 kg or 400 pounds. Each tube will have a maximum capacity of 6 passengers weighing a maximum of 367 kg or 800 lbs. There will also be a facility to keep the luggage of the passengers in the tube. The tube train will run depending on the magnet force through the vacuum. The tube running path shall be completely airtight and friction free. Tube trains can reach a speed of 4000 miles per hour or 6500 kilometers per hour. Hence it is called space travel on earth.



Unlike normal transport, tube trains will not have any breaks or meals. However, television will be provided to make the journey enjoyable for the passengers. ET3 strongly believes that this technology will revolutionize the communication system of tomorrow. The congestion-free short travel system will give passengers a different experience. However, modern technology analysts think that this type of vehicle will definitely come in the future. Even if it does not transport people, such technology will have a revolutionary impact on the transportation of goods.

References: The Tech Journal

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