The Dhaka Times Desk It is possible to build a house in just 6 hours! You may be surprised to hear this. And that is normal. But surprisingly, the fact is true. This is the case of Italy.
From a news published in the media, it is known that the way people are busy with their work nowadays, it is really difficult to waste time and build a house. That is why various methods are being invented. So that house can be built very easily in less time.
As the demand for land and houses in Italy gradually increased, the citizens of the country became quite worried. So they keep searching how to save time to build houses. So this house decided to solve that problem. This house can be built in just 6 hours in a piece of land, according to your own design.
Home prices are currently skyrocketing in most Italian cities, especially metro cities. This new house will solve a lot of that problem. The reason is that a folding house can be made wherever you want in just 6 hours!
It is known that this folding house is available in two sizes. A 290 sq.ft. The other is 904 square feet. These houses will be a maximum of 21 feet in length.
This newly designed house will also have all measures to prevent earthquakes. Not only that, this house is completely waterproof!
This house has everything from bathroom to kitchen, from dining to sanitation, from stairs to storage.
It is known that this house can be built without concrete support. The main material of this house is steel frame, rock wool and polyurethane foam. Folding can be made in various designs as per the owner's choice in this house. Again the news is very little.