Categories: Picturesque

What is the scam: instead of the iPhone in a packet of potatoes! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk This time, the last limit of deception has been reached. The pitfalls of buying heavily discounted products. Potatoes instead of iPhone!

On the occasion of Black Friday, huge discounts are given on various products in different countries of the world. Due to this discount, many people rush to buy. However, many people cheat even with this discount. An American woman was seriously deceived by such a discount offer.

According to media reports, there was a lot going on in the trucks on Black Friday discount offers. An American woman wants to buy an iPhone-6 for $100. The van driver took the phone from the packet. The woman lost herself in joy and thinks that at least her long-time desire to use an iPhone has been fulfilled. But the woman's eyes widened when she went home! The reason is to go home and see that there are 11 pieces of potatoes in the package instead of the phone! However, the phone pack contained a charger for the Android phone.

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Later, the woman told the media that a black van was selling various items including clothes, shoes, purses, DVDs, CDs, phones and laptops with Black Friday sale posters. He was tempted when the seller in the truck offered him an iPhone 6 for just $100. He also bought it. But went home and found 11 pieces of potatoes.

The woman also told the media that I played with the iPhone and also checked. When I asked him to call me on the phone, the seller did the same. Then I said it looks fine, I'll buy it. But when he returned home, he opened the packet and saw that there were pieces of potato inside. The person cheated him while packing. In addition to the potato, the box contained an Android phone charger.

The American woman posted a video on social media reporting such a scam. After that, it quickly stormed the online media.

Watch the video

This post was last modified on নভেম্বর ৩০, ২০১৭ 2:13 pm

Staff reporter

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