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Arrested for spreading the stench of socks on the bus!

Police have arrested a 27-year-old man named Prakash Kumar in Delhi, India

The Dhaka Times Desk Really strange news! How many people travel by bus and train? Some of them may have smell on their body or feet. It is probably the first time that anyone can be arrested for that!

বাসে মোজার দুর্গন্ধ ছড়ানোর দায়ে গ্রেফতার! 1

According to a news published in the media, a 27-year-old man named Prakash Kumar was arrested by the police in Delhi, India, for spreading the smell of socks in the bus. A complaint of foul odor has also been filed against him.

According to a report by BBC Bengal, Prakash Kumar was handed over to the police when he took off his shoes and socks in a bus bound for the capital Delhi and the bus smelled bad.

According to the police, due to the stench of the socks, Prakash Kumar and other passengers of the bus started fighting. Because of which he was arrested. He has been charged with causing 'Public Nuisance Act'.

Reportedly, the stench of the socks was so strong that other passengers asked Prakash Kumar to keep his pair of socks in a bag or throw them out of the bus. But when he refused to do so, a heated exchange started between them.

In such a situation, the passengers forced the bus driver to take the bus to a police station in the northern state of Himachal. When the complaint was filed against the owner of the socks there, the police arrested him.

Prakash Kumar, however, denied the allegation and said that there was no stench coming from his socks. Passengers argued with him for no reason and abused him unnecessarily. Police said Prakash Kumar was later released on bail.

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