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From now on, Saudi women can drive motorcycles!

After being allowed to drive a private car or car, women in Saudi Arabia have now been allowed to drive motorcycles and trucks

The Dhaka Times Desk Saudi Arabia is gradually coming out of radical Islam. Saudi women are first allowed to drive private cars and now Saudi women are allowed to drive motorcycles too!

এখন থেকে সৌদি নারীরা মোটরসাইকেলও চালাতে পারবেন! 1

After being allowed to drive a private car or car, women in Saudi Arabia have now been allowed to drive motorcycles and trucks. This announcement has been made by the country's traffic department.

Citing Saudi Arabia's traffic department, Saudi Arabia-based news outlet Al-Arabia reported that women can drive trucks and motorcycles in addition to cars under a royal decree issued in September. This law will be implemented from June 2018. Until now, only men could ride motorcycles in the country.

Women were recently allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia. The country has adopted a reform program called 'Vision-2030'. These include things like weaning the economy off oil dependence, creating new sectors for employment of young citizens, empowering women and relaxing the lifestyle of citizens.

As a first step, the country lifted the ban on women driving. It is said that the order will be implemented from June 2018.

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