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Saudi Arabia has permanently closed its only land border with Qatar

A letter has also been issued from the Customs Directorate of Saudi Arabia in this regard

The Dhaka Times Desk Saudi Arabia has permanently closed its only direct land border with Qatar. A letter has also been issued from the Customs Directorate of Saudi Arabia in this regard.

সৌদি আরব কাতারের সঙ্গে একমাত্র স্থলসীমান্ত স্থায়ীভাবে বন্ধ করে দিয়েছে 1

Saudi Arabia permanently closed the only direct land border with Qatar. A letter has also been issued from the Customs Directorate of Saudi Arabia in this regard. It is said that Salwa border gate has been closed permanently. The letter mentions that the Saudi Arabian officials gave this instruction. Several Gulf countries, led by Saudi Arabia, imposed a blockade against Qatar about 8 months ago. The diplomatic crisis over it is still ongoing. The land port has already been closed. Al Jazeera online gave this news.

It is said that on June 5, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Bahrain and some other countries announced the severing of diplomatic relations with Qatar. The Salwa border gate was closed two weeks after the announcement. Then Saudi Arabia opened the gate for two weeks in August for pilgrims. Then Qatar's Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdul Rahman Al Thani welcomed this initiative of Saudi Arabia. He said it was done for political purposes. However, due to the sudden closure of the border gate, there has been renewed anger in Qatar.

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