The Dhaka Times
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Even with a PhD, this woman is an ordinary farmer!

China's Shi Yan made this idea come true

The Dhaka Times Desk Education not only educates people; People become the path of life. As happened in the case of this woman in China. Even with a PhD, this woman is an ordinary farmer!

পিএইচডি করেও এই নারী একজন সাধারণ কৃষক! 1

People have a dream or desire to do something specific. After education there is an attempt to get a job in a big company or start a big company itself. At least it seems so in general. But if anyone does a PhD like this I will be a simple farmer! If we were, we would have never thought that the farmer studied so much, it is impossible!

However, China's Shi Yan made such an idea true. Shi Yan received his PhD from Tsinghua University, China. However, this woman did not go for a job in the office of a big company, but she is living an independent life unlike her graduate colleagues.

This woman from China, Shi Yan, established her own farming business in Beijing, working as a simple farmer. The company operates under a new business model, where producers are directly connected to consumers.

It is known that about 2 thousand families buy their products from this company and there are more than 700 members of this company. They receive a weekly delivery of fruits and vegetables, dairy products, meat. Shi Yan and her husband's current monthly income is 8 million yuan. This Chinese woman, Shi Yan, proved that even if she is educated, she can become established by working in agriculture.

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