The Dhaka Times
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There is no option but to go to war with Myanmar: Arsa

রোহিঙ্গা বিচ্ছিন্নতাবাদীরা আবার মিয়ানমারের সেনাদের ওপর গত শুক্রবার হামলা চালায়

The Dhaka Times Desk Arsa, a Rohingya separatist organization in Myanmar's Arakan state, said they had no choice but to go to war with Myanmar. They said, what is happening to the Rohingyas, is nothing but terrorism supported by the Myanmar government.

মিয়ানমারের সঙ্গে যুদ্ধ করা ছাড়া কোনো পথ নেই : আরসা 1

Rohingya separatists again attacked the Myanmar army last Friday. Arsa, a Rohingya separatist organization, also claimed responsibility for the attack.

Arsa recently took to social media Twitter to claim responsibility for the attack and said that they had no other option.

A statement signed by Arsa leader Ata Ullah was published on Twitter, Arab News said. In it, Ata Ullah wrote, 'Arsa has no other way to save and save itself except to fight against the Burmese state-sponsored terrorists.'

Ata Ullah also mentioned in the statement that the future of the Rohingya must be discussed to meet their humanitarian needs and determine their political future.

Myanmar's military claimed that Rohingya insurgent groups attacked a vehicle carrying army personnel in Myanmar last Friday. 6 army personnel were injured in this.

The Myanmar government said 20 insurgents attacked a vehicle carrying army personnel from the mountain. They carried out this attack with the help of hand-made bombs and weapons. The army said that the attack was carried out by Bengali terrorist group 'Arsa'.

According to a magazine based in Yangon, 6 soldiers injured in the attack have been taken to hospital. One of them is said to be in critical condition.

It may be noted that since August last year, violence started when Arsa attacked some army and police camps. Myanmar's military has responded to the incident with widespread destruction. The UN has termed the operation as genocide. Bangladesh and Myanmar have signed an agreement to take back Rohingya refugees who have taken refuge in Bangladesh. But in reality, the return of Rohingyas to their own land has become almost uncertain.

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