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Saudi women can enter the stadium!

Previously, women in the country were not allowed to enter any stadium

The Dhaka Times Desk Now women can enter the stadium in Saudi! The country is moving away from rigid policies and taking initiatives to give opportunities to women everywhere. Earlier, the country also allowed driving and standing for elections.

সৌদিতে স্টেডিয়ামে প্রবেশ করতে পারবেন নারীরাও! 1

It is known that from today (Friday) the women's society of the country will be able to enter the various stadiums of Saudi Arabia. Saudi women will also be able to watch a football match on Friday, according to a government announcement. Previously, women in the country were not allowed to enter any stadium. This will be their first experience of entering the stadium.

In a statement last Monday, the Saudi Ministry of Culture and Information said that Saudi women will watch a football match between Al Ahly and Al Batin for the first time on Friday.

The statement also informed that women will also be able to watch the second match on that day. The first match will be held in the capital Riyadh, the second in Jeddah and the third in the eastern city of Dammam.

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