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One Biryani University!

Biryani is a very favorite dish among the children of the present generation

The Dhaka Times Desk Today for the readers of The Dhaka Times there is a biryani university talk! Surprisingly, there is such a university in Pakistan.

এক বিরিয়ানি বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের কথা! 1

Hearing the word biryani makes anyone's mouth water. Biryani is a very favorite dish especially among the children of the present generation. Children of the modern generation do not like anything other than biryani. They prefer biryani instead of rice and fish. So today for the current generation there is news on studying Biryari!

Biryani University! Although it is surprising to hear such words, there is such a university in Pakistan. Universities are established around the world focusing on different subjects. But in this university there is a subject called 'Biryani' among other subjects.

It is known that in this regard, students are taught the history, cooking style, variations, etc. of Biryani, along with the details of different types of food including Kashmiri Biryani, Sindhi Biryani, Hyderabadi Biryani, Bukhari Biryani.

There are also individual teachers teaching different subjects from how to cook Biryani to how to eat it. Some of these teachers are - Professors Yusuf, Professors Bibi Elo and others.

Click to watch a video of this biryani university

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