The Dhaka Times Desk The environment that is required for human life has taken a complex shape due to various man-made reasons. We can reduce environmental pollution to some extent by using eco-friendly products. Today I will introduce you to 5 environmentally friendly things.
Life str It is a small portable water purifier. Usually water treatment plants are large, complex structures and also inefficient in combustion. But Vestergaard Frandsen devised LifeStraw This changed the concept. Their invented Life Straw is very portable and can purify any type and level of water.
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) set them as a goal to halve the number of people drinking untreated water in the world between 1990 and 2015. But still 37% people in sub-Saharan Africa drink untreated water out of a population of 884 million. As a result every year 1 in every 5 children are dying due to various water borne diseases.
Benefits of this life straw for water purification:
- Through this you can drink pure water anywhere in any environment.
- It can draw at least 1000 liters of purified water.
- Through this, at least 99.9999% waterborne bacteria are destroyed.
- This kills 99.91 TP3T of waterborne protozoa.
- It does not contain any chemicals.
- It requires no electricity, batteries, or equipment changes.
Easy Portable Solar Charger: After two decades of efforts by scientists to develop a portable solar charger, it is finally possible. Easily portable Waka Waka brand All types of mobile phones and other battery operated devices can be charged with the help of this solar charger. This charger charges itself when placed in sunlight. This charger ushers in a new era in re-charge technology. If off-grid power consumption increases through the use of solar energy, it is expected that the world's power and energy crisis can be tackled to some extent.

LED monitor: By using as much technology as possible in our daily life, we are able to make our lives easier and easier. As an example, where CRT monitors are heavier, larger and consume more power, LED monitors are lighter, smarter and consume less power. LED monitors are easily portable. LED monitor is power efficient resulting in long backup when battery is used.
Cycle generator: You ride a bicycle, how about if you get some converted energy in exchange for the energy lost from your body with each pedal you pedal? The Siva Cycle Atom A generator is a device that can be installed on your bicycle to convert your manual labor into electrical energy. Which you can use in various re-chargeable devices including bicycle head lights. It is small and easy to carry, so no extra hassle.
Paper bag: Nowadays the use of plastic bags has increased considerably. Plastic is a pollutant that remains intact in nature for a long time, does not decompose and is not broken down by bacteria and fungi present in nature. Plastic The release of plastic bags causes environmental pollution due to dumping of plastic bags, clogs drains, contaminates drinking water. If we use paper bags instead of plastic, the environmental pollution caused by polythene will be reduced to a large extent. Do we have nothing to do for ourselves and our future generations? Let us be a little aware from today. Whenever I buy anything from any shop, I will not use polythene bag to carry it. At least we tell the shopkeepers that "Please give me a paper bag instead of this polythene."
Our beautiful world is becoming uninhabitable day by day, so if we are not aware and use environment friendly things from now then the nature will turn into a worse situation in the future.