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A whole island sold for 5.5 billion!

It is surprising to hear because an entire island is going to be sold!

The Dhaka Times Desk A whole island sold for 5.5 billion! One has to be really surprised to hear such words. But it is natural that many people will not want to miss such an opportunity.

সাড়ে ৫'শ কোটিতে বিক্রি গোটা একটা দ্বীপ! 1

It is surprising to hear because an entire island is going to be sold! It may seem unrealistic. But not unreasonably, that's what's going to happen in Scotland. The name of this island is Ulva. There are only 6 people living in this island. The owner of this island is Jamie Howard.

This is the first time in 70 years that the island is going to be sold. The price of this island in the market is about 543 crores 58 lakhs 21 thousand 944 taka.

Scotland's first prime minister, Nicole Sturgeon, did not hand over the island directly to a multi-millionaire. On the contrary, he is encouraging a group to buy the place. Many groups have expressed interest in buying the island. According to them, the island can be re-settled and economically developed.

সাড়ে ৫'শ কোটিতে বিক্রি গোটা একটা দ্বীপ! 2

The island has been known to Howard for nearly 35 years. The island is very suitable for agriculture. A cofunding campaign has so far agreed to take in 21,000 euros. There are still 6 months left. It is expected that the price of this island can rise to 525 crore rupees.

Currently there are total 8 houses in this island Ulva. 5 of them are empty. A person comes to this island for a vacation. There are no roads to travel here. However, dolphins and whales can be seen in the sea in front of the island. All in all, it is a natural island.

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