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The last prayer of the 2nd phase of Vishwa Ijtema is today

Final prayer will be held between 10:30 and 11:00

The Dhaka Times Desk The last prayer of the 2nd phase of Vishwa Ijtema is today. After a while, Tongir's Turag arrows will be resounding with the sound of Amen Amen.

বিশ্ব ইজতেমার ২য় পর্বের আখেরী মোনাজাত আজ 1

The last prayer of the 2nd phase of Vishwa Ijtema is today. Final prayer will be held between 10:30 and 11:00. For a while, the Turag arrow of Tongi will be resounding with the sound of Parameen Amen. Last day (Friday) after Fajr prayer, the 2nd phase of this year's Biswa Ijtema started with Am Bayan. In this 2nd phase of this year, guests from different countries including devout Muslims of 16 districts are also participating in the World Ijtema organized on the banks of Turag River in Tongir.

Biswa Ijtema, which started the day before yesterday (Friday), spoke in different languages including Bengali. Millions of people appeared in the World Ijtema. The 53rd World Ijtema organized for this year will end today with the last prayer. Praying for the welfare of the country and nation as well as the entire Muslim world.

Meanwhile, Ijtema started coming to the premises after Fajr prayers. As the road towards Tongi was closed, many people came to the Ijtema ground on foot. Thousands of people have taken up positions on the roofs of buildings around Turag Tir.

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