The Dhaka Times
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Heavy hail in the hot desert in Saudi Arabia!

Residents of Madinah, Saudi Arabia have experienced the taste of rain

The Dhaka Times Desk There have been reports of heavy hail in the hot desert in Saudi Arabia! The day before yesterday (Saturday) the residents of Madinah in Saudi Arabia experienced just such a rain.

সৌদি আরবে তপ্ত মরুর বুকে তুমুল শিলাবৃষ্টি! 1

Rain in Saudi Arabia means a different feeling. Due to the sudden rain, the poets and writers became engrossed in the creation of poetry, as if they were in love with the rain.

Think for a moment if it rains like this in the heart of the hot desert then how would it feel? The mind becomes apathetic to think that such an environment can be created for rain. On Saturday, around 5 pm local time, the sky darkened and heavy rain started. Then the rain began to fall with the rocks!

Locals enjoyed the sudden hailstorm to a slightly different degree. They see it as the mercy of Almighty Allah. They were very happy. The hailstorm also caused frenzy among the Bengalis staying in Madinah. One such rock fell for more than 15 minutes.

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