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Indonesia's river Chitarum is the world's most polluted river!

80 percent of the inhabitants of Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, depend on the water of Chitarum River!

The Dhaka Times Desk We thought that the Buriganga river near the capital was probably the most polluted river. But actually it is not. There are even more polluted rivers. Indonesia's river Chitarum is the world's most polluted river!

ইন্দোনেশিয়ার নদী চিতারুম বিশ্বের সবচেয়ে দূষিত নদী! 1

Our thinking has really changed. We thought the Buriganga river near the capital was the most polluted river in the world. But not really, Indonesia's river Chitarum is the most polluted river in the world! This river is located in West Java, Indonesia. About a decade ago, the World Bank declared it the world's most polluted river.

Looking at the murky water of this river, nothing can be seen. Toxic chemicals, household waste and animal excrement are often found floating in the water! All in all a muddy water.

It has been reported that the pollution of the Chitarum river has reached such a critical level that the authorities have been forced to issue a health hazard notification. The goal of the Indonesian government is to make Chitarum river water safe by 2025. About 3 crore people's lives depend on the polluted water of the river. These people use the water of this river for irrigation and daily activities. Many people drink this water!

According to a report, 80 percent of the residents of Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, depend on the water of the Chitarum River. This river is about 300 km long. The river's water is also used to generate electricity to supply the islands of Java and Bali. Thousands of textile factories discharge their effluents into the river.

Every day about 280 tons of waste is dumped in this Chitarum river. A study has found that the standard of safe drinking water that the United States has set is 1000 times more toxic chemicals found in the water of the Chitarum River! Still, it is really surprising how people are using such toxic water.

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