The Dhaka Times
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Millionaires selling breast milk!

24-year-old Rafaela started selling extra milk for other babies

The Dhaka Times Desk There is no alternative to mother's breast milk for the child. This is true. So doctors advise to drink breast milk. Such a mother has become a millionaire by selling breast milk!

বুকের দুধ বিক্রি করে কোটিপতি! 1

We all know there is no substitute for mother's milk for babies. The benefits of breast milk are scientifically proven and universally accepted. But if this breast milk is sold as a business, it has never been heard before. Now such a news has come out. Because breast milk is not only useful for babies, but also this breast milk is valued by body builders. The reason is that women's breast milk is very beneficial for increasing muscle strength. That's why a Cypriot woman has become a millionaire by selling breast milk to bodybuilders.

The woman named Raphaela Lamprou from Cyprus gave birth to a boy 7 months ago. After having a child, she realized that there was still a lot of breast milk after feeding her son. Then 24-year-old Rafaela started selling extra milk for other babies. By doing this, he started earning a lot of money.

বুকের দুধ বিক্রি করে কোটিপতি! 2

Raffaele Lampreau was selling breast milk to babies of mothers whose breast milk is not produced. At one point some bodybuilders came to her to buy breast milk. Breast milk is very effective in increasing muscle strength. That is why they buy breast milk instead of various chemical supplements. Selling breast milk is also practiced in several countries including China.

According to a news of NDTV, Raphaela Lampruu has already earned about 4.5 million rupees by selling the breast milk of bodybuilders! Raffaela has also created a website to promote the sale of milk. Rafaela is currently a mother of two sons. She lives happily with her husband Alex and two children. His business is also running. And that's how Raffaele Lamprou is now a millionaire.

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