The Dhaka Times
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Have you ever seen an egg like a mango?

"I got an egg today, the size of a red mango. I got a little scared, thinking it was real or fake.'

The Dhaka Times Desk It would seem really strange. Eggs are like mangoes? This mango-like egg is now viral in the web world!

আমের মতো এমন ডিম কী কখনও দেখেছেন? 1

It is known that a professor of Jahangirnagar University has published a picture of such an egg on the social media Facebook. The egg looks like a mango. There has been an uproar on Facebook.

The professor wrote in the caption above his picture, 'I got an egg today, the size of an orange mango. I got a little scared, thinking it was real or fake.'

In the comments below the picture, a person named Rashed Kazi wrote, 'If you take the news, you will see that chicken used to stay under the mango tree... so it laid eggs like mangoes.'

In this way, many people have made funny comments after seeing that mango-like egg. However, no information is known whether it is actually an egg or not.

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