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'Rover Curiosity' has set a record of spending 2 thousand days on Mars!

Originally, Curiosity was scheduled to remain on Mars for two years

The Dhaka Times Desk 'Rover Curiosity' has set a record of spending 2 thousand days on Mars! The red planet had crossed Mars a long time ago.

‘রোভার কিউরিওসিটি’ মঙ্গলে ২ হাজার দিন কাটানোর রেকর্ড গড়েছে! 1

The red planet had transited Mars a long time ago. NASA sent him to Mars to fulfill the human interest in that planet. NASA's rover Curiosity landed on Mars on August 6, 2012. Since then, this 'rover Curiosity' has been carrying out the responsibility of sending information and images about Mars to Earth.

Originally, Curiosity was scheduled to remain on Mars for two years. But on August 5, 2017, NASA celebrated its 5th anniversary on Mars. On March 23, Curiosity set a record for spending 2,000 days on the Red Planet.

If you do a very simple calculation, it will not be possible to match these 2 thousand days. The reason is that while a day on Earth is 24 hours, the time on the Red Planet is slightly different. A day on Red Planet is 24 hours, 39 minutes and 35 seconds. In other words, although it is 2000 days like Earth, Curiosity has spent 2055 days like Mars.

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