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Alien skeleton found in Chile!

Skeletal age and other anomalies may be due to genetic mutations

The Dhaka Times Desk Research on aliens is endless. This time the skeleton of an alien was found in Chile! This skeleton has become the focus of research for scientists.

ভিনগ্রহীর কঙ্কাল পাওয়া গেছে চিলিতে! 1

Scientists have found a strange mummified skeleton. But surprisingly, the length of the skeleton is only 6 inches! Someone is thinking that it is a mummy of a newborn. No newborn should be this small though. Initial examination suggests that the newborn may be 6-8 days old. The amazing features of the mummy and its original and original identity have made scientists interested.

DNA testing suggests that skeletal age and other anomalies may be due to genetic mutations. The research done on this mummy is published in the journal 'Genome Research'. The height of the skeleton is really incredibly small. Several of its features have been found to be quite different. Especially its unusual shape of ribs and angular shape of the crown really surprised everyone. The remains were found in an abandoned nitrate mine in the town of La Noria. From there it went to a private museum in Spain.

According to media reports, it is believed that the remains found in the Atacama region may not be human. In a documentary called 'Sirius', it was also mentioned as evidence of aliens coming to earth. It is named 'Ata'. A team of scientists also examined the skeleton's genome. The genetic blueprint is collected from the nucleus of the cell. In this method the human body is tested. This proves that Ata was a girl child.

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