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Why drink water on an empty stomach in the morning? find out

This glass of water at the beginning of the day is specialized by the relevant experts with various adjectives like 'healthy', 'pure', 'beautiful'.

The Dhaka Times Desk Almost everyone knows the benefits of drinking water on an empty stomach. However, we have no experience of the benefits of drinking water on an empty stomach. Find out today.

সকালে খালি পেটে পানি পান করবেন কেনো? জেনে নিন 1

Drinking a moderate amount of water every day is a very healthy thing to do. However, after waking up in the morning, drinking a glass of water on an empty stomach is very beneficial for health. Everyone should do it.

If this habit of drinking water after waking up in the morning can be achieved, then it is possible to keep the body free from many types of diseases. That's why this one glass of water at the beginning of the day is specialized by the relevant experts as 'healthy', 'pure', 'beautiful'. Let's know about the various benefits of drinking water on an empty stomach in the morning.

# sleeps at night so there is no digestive activity for long periods of time. And so it is necessary to drink at least one glass of water in the morning to aid digestion.

# Drinking at least 16 ounces of warm water every morning increases the body's metabolism 24% and reduces body weight.

# Drinking water on an empty stomach every day in the morning removes blood impurities, skin is beautiful and bright.

# Drinking a glass of water every morning before breakfast accelerates the process of building new muscles and cells.

# just one glass of water every morning helps in reducing nausea, throat problem, menstrual problem in women, diarrhea, kidney problem, arthritis, headache etc.

# Drinking a glass of water daily on an empty stomach cleanses the colon and allows the body to easily absorb nutrients from new foods.

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