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Israeli soldiers shot at the praying Palestinians! [video]

Just before protesting, Palestinian youths were praying in congregation at the Palestinian border

The Dhaka Times Desk Israeli aggression has always been seen on Palestinians. This time, the Jewish state of Israel has gone one step further. Israeli soldiers shot at the praying Palestinians! The video has spread all over the world.

নামাজরত ফিলিস্তিনিদের ওপর গুলি চালিয়েছে ইসরায়েলি সেনারা! [ভিডিও] 1

Just before protesting, Palestinian youths were praying in congregation at the Palestinian border. As they prostrated, Israeli snipers shot a young man in the leg. Israeli soldiers opened fire on another young man who was still prostrate. Israel has deployed 100 such snipers on the border - this information was given by the country's media Haaretz.

The most surprising thing is that the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, praised his troops for such massacres! Again, the United States has vetoed the discussion in the United Nations on the issue of such a heinous murder. The United States ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, complained that the Palestinians are terrorists!

At least 17 people have been killed in recent shootings by Israeli soldiers. Thousands were also injured. On the occasion of the Land Day on March 30, Israeli soldiers carried out such killings on the border of Gaza and Israel. That day, thousands of Palestinian men and women gathered at the border to protest. Israeli soldiers opened fire on them without provocation.

It should be noted that the Palestinians have been celebrating this Land Day in protest against the occupation of Palestinian land 40 years ago.

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