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Now the technology to make people disappear was discovered in the United States!

Researchers at the University of California, Irvine, have developed a new material to make people invisible from near-infrared night vision tools.

The Dhaka Times Desk In movies we have seen scenes of people disappearing. We never thought that this could ever happen in reality. But this time the technology to make people invisible was discovered in the United States!

এবার মানুষ অদৃশ্য করার প্রযুক্তি আবিস্কৃত হলো যুক্তরাষ্ট্রে! 1

Various researches are taking people much further. We used to see people disappearing in movies. But this time, a team of researchers in the United States has discovered the technology to make people invisible. Recently, researchers at the University of California, Irvine, have developed new materials to make people invisible from infrared night vision tools. Researchers have prepared this new material based on the squid's ability to disappear!

The technology to make people invisible was seen only in science fiction until now. But this time, researchers are trying hard to make it a reality. If this discovery actually reaches people, the researchers think that this technology can be used to protect the army and various infrastructures in the future.

Alan Gorodesky, one of the researchers on the subject, said, "We've essentially created a soft material that can reflect heat in the same way that squid skin reflects light." It can change from rough and dull to smooth and shiny, as it reflects heat.

According to media reports, the possible use of this new material is especially better camouflage for soldiers and it can be used for multiple purposes including spaceships, storage containers.

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