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Want to give a hard password to the account? Learn how to remember strong passwords

Passwords are very important to protect the privacy of any account

The Dhaka Times Desk Many times giving small password for fear of forgetting it can get hacked. Your important information may be compromised. Want to give your account a strong password? Learn easy ways to remember difficult passwords.

একাউন্টে কঠিন পাসওয়ার্ড দিতে চান? কঠিন পাসওয়ার্ড মনে রাখার উপায় জেনে নিন 1

Passwords are very important to protect the privacy of any account. And if you keep this password with any simple words or letters, then anyone can enter your account using this password. Again, using random words or letters as passwords is very difficult to remember. Today we will learn how to remember strong passwords.

We can remember a short sentence or a few words as a password. Now in those sentences or words we can use 0 in place of o, @ in place of a, $ in place of s, 1 in place of i etc. Capital or small letters can be used at the beginning, end or middle of a word. Besides, sometimes I can give spaces. Then the password will be very hard and easy to remember.

For example, the word Communications is replaced by C0mmuN1 C@ ti0n$

When used as a password, no one but you can input it correctly. This will prevent anyone from using your password. So the account will be safe and you will be worry free. Then change your password as hard as you like today.

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