The Dhaka Times
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Lobhachara river of clear water

The distant Meghalaya Mountains and the Lobhachra River merge together to create a form that cannot be described.

The Dhaka Times Desk After visiting Bichnakandi, Ratargul Sunamganj, Srimangal, now those who are wondering what else is there to see in Sylhet. Then take a day and visit Lobhachara.

স্বচ্ছ পানির নদী লোভাছড়া 1

At the foot of the Khasia-Jainta mountains on the northeastern border of Bangladesh, the name of the ancient town is Kanighat, which is beautifully decorated with many small and big rivers. And here at the foot of the bordering mountains, there are several clear water rivers. One of them is the Lobhachhara river. The distant Meghalaya mountains and the Lobhachhara river meet. The description of the form that has taken the form of mixing is endless. So I am trying to write the details in short words.

What will you see?

  • Lova and Sari rivers
  • Forest land of forest department
  • Centuries-old Luva Tea-Estate
  • The tempting suspension bridge which the locals call Latakni Pool
  • Khasia village
  • Shrine of Miraping Shah (RA) (It is an ancient structure)
  • And visit the border villages on foot, hope you don't get bored.

(Click on the Image for Full Screen View)

How to go:
First you have to go to Sylhet. Kanaighat local buses ply from Kadmatli bus stand, fare 55 taka. If you want, you can reserve C, N, G and go. It will increase the cost but reduce the time. The boat wharf is next to the Kanighat market. The local boat is available at that place, the fare is 50 taka. You can also arrive by local boat. If you want, you can reserve the rent of 500-1000 taka.

Some necessary words:
There are no food hotels or shops in Lovachara, so take enough food from Kanighat market.
And you can be sure that you will see rain. It rains a lot here.

B. Dr Luva T-Estate is a Proprietary Institution Please enter with permission before visiting. If we go around with a little responsibility, this tea garden will be open for everyone. Take care that you do not cause any damage to the environment. Don't offend nature by throwing away anything perishable.

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