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Prabha will now be seen as a brick kiln worker

The name of the drama is 'Shabnam's second story'.

The Dhaka Times Desk Actors and actresses have to act in various roles in drama. But this time Prabhake has played a slightly exceptional role. This time he will be seen as a brick kiln worker!

প্রভাকে এবার দেখা যাবে ইট ভাটার শ্রমিক হিসেবে 1

The name of the play is 'Shabnam's second story'. The plot of the play is just like this: When the husband doesn't return, the father dies and all in all, when Shabnam's own life is completely empty, then Shabnam's battle for survival becomes too big. In search of livelihood, Shabnam left home and moved to another area with her mother-in-law. Shabnam started a new war as a brick kiln worker.

When Shabnam (Prabha) accepts that survival is her only life in this life of terracotta, at the same time Shabnam encounters a man named Mohanlal in Bhata, whom she met long ago at a station. When tired of looking for her husband in the station market. When Shabnam waits for the train at the station after not getting her husband back, she meets the singer Mohanlal.

As much as Shabnam wants to hide herself in this battle of life, Mohanlal comes in front of her. The reason is that Shabnam knows very well that she cannot start a new life with Mohanlal even if she wants to!

Popular actress Prabha played such a role of brick kiln worker. Written and directed by Setu Arif, the play 'Shabnam's second story' is made as a story for Eid-ul-Fitr. Scenes of the play were shot at a brick kiln in Kaliganj, Gazipur on April 9-11.

প্রভাকে এবার দেখা যাবে ইট ভাটার শ্রমিক হিসেবে 2

Apart from Prabha, the play also starred Anisur Rahman Milan, Ahmed Apu, Hindol Roy, Al Amin, Tuntuni Khala and others. This drama has been produced for private TV on the occasion of upcoming Eid-ul-Fitr.

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