The Dhaka Times
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Thousands of Christians are fleeing from Myanmar's Kachin Province!

Christians in the region are fleeing the reality of renewed military clashes with Kachin rebels.

The Dhaka Times Desk After the Rohingyas of Myanmar's Rakhine, thousands of Christians are fleeing from Myanmar's Kachin Province!

মিয়ানমারের কাচিন প্রদেশ থেকে এবার পালাচ্ছে হাজার হাজার খ্রিস্টান! 1

After the expulsion of millions of Rohingyas from Myanmar's Rakhine, this time thousands of people of the Christian community are fleeing from the country's Kachin province. These Christians are running towards the Chinese border in the face of repression by the country's heavily armed army.

The country's army expelled most of the Rohingyas through ethnic cleansing. This time, Myanmar is repressing the people of the northern Kachin province. The Christian community of the region is fleeing the reality of the renewed conflict between the army and the Kachin rebels.

The United Nations also says that after the Muslim Rohingya minority, Myanmar has started ethnic cleansing against the Christian minority. Since the beginning of April, 4,000 people have fled their homes.

Kachin Province has been in conflict for a long time with the pro-independence organization Kachin Independence Organization (KIO) and government forces. Myanmar's military has admitted that it is suppressing the insurgents through airstrikes and shelling. According to media reports, about 120,000 people have lost their homes due to this conflict from Kachin and Northern Shan Provinces.

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