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Millions of men circumcised in Mozambique to prevent AIDS!

Such initiatives have been taken to prevent AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases

The Dhaka Times Desk According to various media sources, millions of men are being circumcised in the African country of Mozambique to prevent AIDS!

এইডস প্রতিরোধে মোজাম্বিকে লাখো পুরুষের খতনা! 1

According to a report from the BBC, 100,000 men will be circumcised in a province called Zambezia in the African country of Mozambique. The reason for circumcision is said to be to prevent AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases.

It has been reported that the campaign has targeted areas in Mozambique's Zambezia province where circumcision is not practiced. The media has been informed that these activities will be carried out in Auto-Malok, Il and Guruye districts of Zambezia.

Not only this year, but last year too, 84,000 men were circumcised in Zambezia under this programme. This year this target has been increased. The governor of the province, Abdur Razzak, himself a doctor by profession, is fully supporting the circumcision program. He told the media that male circumcision helps prevent HIV/AIDS as well as protects against sexually transmitted diseases. However, AIDS does not cure the disease.

According to one information, no one is being forced to undergo circumcision, it is done voluntarily. Health workers are just trying to explain that it can help prevent AIDS.

It is known that this circumcision project will cost 728 thousand US dollars in two phases. The entire project is funded by the United States President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief. This charity organization funded by the US President's office has been working to prevent AIDS.

It should be noted that although circumcision is practiced in other provinces of Mozambique, Zambezia is an exception. According to the World Health Organization, male circumcision can reduce the risk of HIV infection by 60 percent.

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