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iPhone 7 has come forward to prevent AIDS

iPhone 7 will contribute to the counseling of people with HIV in different countries of Africa, the distribution of medicines, and medical tests!

The Dhaka Times Desk There is no end to human research on the deadly disease AIDS. But this time, an exceptional news is that iPhone 7 will prevent AIDS! What is it really?

এইডস প্রতিরোধে এগিয়ে এসেছে আইফোন ৭ 1

The skin color of the Apple smartphone is dark 'red wine'. Smartphones of this color have not been seen much before in Apple. Apple is going to bring a special edition of dark red wine color of iPhone 7 and 7 Plus, which was released in September last year. Apple has three types of memory in this new version of 32 GB, 128 GB and 256 GB.

Both iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus display phones have 12 mega pixel cameras. The price of this phone will start from 82 thousand rupees. However, after all the rumours, this new special iPhone is going to generate a lot of discussion for a special reason, and that is to play a role in AIDS prevention by buying this iPhone!

According to the news media, this iPhone 7 will contribute to the counseling, distribution of medicines, and medical tests of people affected by HIV in various African countries through an organization called 'Product Red', which works to combat AIDS. 13 million dollars has already been given as a donation to 'Product Red'. According to media reports, the fact that iPhone 7 has come forward in this way to prevent AIDS has already received a lot of praise around the world.

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