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Recipe: Kashmiri Mango Pickle

Pickles are on everyone's list of favorites. That's why we have Kashmiri mango pickle recipe for you today

The Dhaka Times Desk Raw mango means a variety of delicious pickles. Because more or less we all love to eat pickles. And this time pickle can be preserved throughout the year. So now you can prepare different types of pickles. Today we have a recipe for making mango Kashmiri pickle for you

রেসিপি: কাশ্মীরি আমের আচার 1


One kg of big raw mango, equal amount of sugar, one cup of vinegar, little salt, one teaspoon of dry chili powder, one tablespoon of ginger pieces, equal amount of water, half teaspoon of red chili powder.


First, wash the mangoes well. Then peel and cut eight slices of each mango. Then apply some salt and keep it in the sun for a day. Heat enough water and boil the mango in it. Drain the water. Then make Sira by adding enough water and sugar in a pot. Keep simmering with mangoes soaked in sugar syrup. When the sugar syrup becomes thick, continue to heat it with red chili powder, dry chili powder, ginger pieces and vinegar. When the mango pickle becomes quite thick, cool it and store it in a bottle. You can eat it by keeping it in the fridge for about 1-2 years.

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