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Father Anil Kapoor and daughter Sonam together in Hollywood film!

The Dhaka Times Desk Now Bollywood superstar Anil Kapoor and his daughter Sonam Kapoor are coming to shake the world. The father-daughter duo will be seen together in a Hollywood film called 'Curry in Love' by eminent filmmaker P Vasu.


Both Anil and Sonam confirmed this news to the Indian media recently. Earlier, many Bollywood actors offered Anil and Sonam to work together, but they did not agree. But this time Anil-Sonam couldn't turn him away when one-time South filmmaker P Vasu offered them to produce his new film in Hollywood.

Besides Anil-Sonam, Amanda Seyfried and Nick Nolte will play the central roles in this film called 'Curry in Love'. Director P Vasu said that Anil and Sonam are playing the roles of father and daughter in the film. Besides, international technicians will work on the technical aspects of the film.

It is to be noted that earlier, many people in Bollywood offered Anil and Sonam to work together, but they did not agree. But Anil has previously acted in the Hollywood film 'Slumdog Millionaire'. However, Sonam has not yet signed any film in Hollywood. Source: Internet.

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