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How to get fast and enough sleep

Not having enough sleep interferes with normal functioning the next day

The Dhaka Times Desk To perform daily tasks properly, the brain needs to be kept normal. And there is no substitute for sleep to keep the brain normal. Getting a certain amount of sleep every day is good for health. But for various reasons we go to sleep very late. But even going to bed to sleep does not come easily. As a result, due to not having enough sleep, the next day's normal activities are disrupted. Today we will know how to sleep fast.

1. Set bedtime:

Timing is very important for fast sleep. If you develop a habit of sleeping at a certain time every day, you will fall asleep faster. If you sleep according to the rules like this, you will sleep well and your health will be good.

2. Turn off the TV before sleeping:

Many people go to bed and watch TV lying down. As a result, you cannot sleep on time. Even if you watch something interesting on TV at that time, you will not fall asleep easily. So turn off the TV before going to sleep.

3. Set alarm to wake up:

Maybe have an important job tomorrow morning. So if you don't wake up on time you can get into trouble. If you go to sleep thinking about whether you will wake up on time, you will not fall asleep easily. Even if you fall asleep again, you will sometimes wake up. So set the alarm to get a quick and adequate sleep. Then you will be sure to wake up when the alarm goes off at the specified time. So, you will be able to fall asleep quickly as you are free from worries and will not have the problem of waking up again and again at night.

4. Keep breathing lightly:

Lie in bed and keep breathing lightly. Breathing lightly will prepare your body parts for rest. So if you breathe slowly you will fall asleep very soon.

5. You can listen to light music songs:

Lying in bed listening to soft music to sleep will quickly make your eyes fall asleep. However, if the sound is too loud, it can be difficult to fall asleep.

6. Put the phone away before sleeping:

Always put your phone away before going to sleep. Also inform others not to call or mail you at night unless it is very urgent. Because talking on the phone or checking email before bed can cause you to think about things that will cause you trouble falling asleep.

7. Note the next day's work plan:

Note down what you will do next day. Then you don't have to think again and again for the next day's work. As a result, you can sleep peacefully.

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