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Some simple tricks to discern truth from falsehood

You will instantly know whether others are lying to you or telling you the truth

The Dhaka Times Desk Not sure if others are telling you the truth or lying? You may trust everyone very much, but others use this opportunity to lie to you. But you don't realize at that moment that others are lying to you.

Today we will discuss some tricks that, after knowing, you can instantly understand whether others are lying to you or telling the truth.

1. Talking with eye contact:

Various studies have shown that liars usually cannot make eye contact with you. He will talk looking away or look down when you look at him. On the other hand, someone will not hesitate to look you in the eye while speaking the truth.

2. Body language:

Usually a person uses different body language while speaking the truth. But when someone lies, he doesn't use body language. His natural attitude won't show because he'll be terrified if you realize he's lying.

3. Data repetition does not match:

When you think someone is lying, ask them to repeat it. You will see that there will be many differences between previous words and repeated words. That is, if you repeat the lie, it will be somewhat reversed.

4. There is a feeling of discomfort in the face

When someone tells a lie, the fear of getting caught works in the mind. As a result, he will feel uncomfortable while speaking. For example, you may sweat, you may get stuck talking, you may not want to repeat your words, etc.

5. Alteration of voice:

When someone presents false information, there is a hint of horror in his voice. Because he is always afraid. So if you want to know if someone is lying, pay attention to the tone of their voice.

6. Questions will be avoided:

When someone lies, if you ask them a question, they will try to avoid answering the question. So whenever you have doubts, ask some questions in light of that statement. Only then will you know whether he is telling the truth or lying.

7. Will try to convince you very much:

When someone tells a lie and you don't want to believe it, they will try hard to convince you. He will want to convince you by any means that he is telling the truth.

So hopefully from today you can easily understand when someone is lying through these tricks.

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