The Dhaka Times
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Brother married his sister to take abroad!

The bizarre incident that happened in the Punjab province of India!

The Dhaka Times Desk A person in India has done something that is a sin to hear. He married his own sister at court. The only purpose is to take the sister abroad!

বিদেশে নিতে আপন বোনকে বিয়ে করলো ভাই! 1

According to news media, the brother of the mother's belly married his sister to get Australian visa. The Indian police administration is shaken in this incident. The bizarre incident that happened in the Punjab province of India!

Indian media confirmed this information. According to the news, the girl's brother was living permanently in Australia. So they went to the Punjab court to get Australian citizenship and got married. Then his sister's Australian visa was confirmed.

Police officer Jai Singh, who is investigating this incident, said that after investigating, we found out that the girl has already got a visa for Australia. He is currently a citizen of Australia. They introduce their brothers and sisters. Even the girl went to Australia a few days ago and they were there as husband and wife.

The police officer also said that they cheated society, law and religious restrictions just to go abroad. They also cheated the Australian authorities with false identities. We have continued operations to arrest them. But they are running away. People make various tricks to go abroad. But this is the first time I have heard about such fraud. We are really surprised. People can go so low to go abroad!

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