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In India, the temple was built inside the madrasa!

Salma Ansari has given various reasons for setting up a temple like this inside a madrasa

The Dhaka Times Desk To maintain communal unity in educational centers in India, temples have been built inside madrasas. Salma Ansari, the wife of the country's former Vice President Hamid Ansari, has taken such an initiative!

ভারতে মাদ্রাসার ভেতরেই নির্মিত হয়েছে মন্দির! 1

According to a report in Anandabazar newspaper, Salma Ansari runs a madrasa in Aligarh, India. He has taken the initiative to set up a temple as well as a mosque in the madrasa he managed.

After Salma Ansari's announcement, the puja started inside Chacha Nehru Madrasa in Aligarh. A Saraswati idol was also seen inside the madrasa in a photo taken by Indian news media Times Now.

Salma Ansari has argued that besides sending a message of brotherhood, this move will also ensure the safety of students. Henceforth they don't have to go outside the campus to pray. He expressed hope that through this step, other Madrasahs of the country will also be inspired in this matter.

Salma Ansari said, "If anything happens on the way from the hostel to the temple or the mosque, then the responsibility is on us." Therefore, I have decided to build a temple and a mosque within the campus.

It should be noted that Hamid Ansari resigned from the post of Vice President in August 2017. During his farewell, he criticized the Modi government for religious intolerance.

He said that the minority communities of the country are in discomfort during the tenure of the BJP government. He also commented at that time that he was suffering from insecurity. He also had to face the criticism of BJP leaders on this issue.

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