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Amazon in Alexa tie-up

Amazon is the largest online shopping center on our planet

The Dhaka Times Desk In this era of modernization where computers are used for internet and various e-commerce and various online shopping are done instantly, there is no one who does not know about Amazon.

অ্যালেক্সা বন্ধনে আমাজন 1

Amazon is the largest online shopping center on our planet. As the saying goes, it's hard to find anything that isn't on Amazon. Everything in the world can be found instantly in Amazon. This US-based organization is going to be involved in everything in the field of online shopping, where Amazon is at the top. One such invention of Amazon is Alexa, an amazing virtual intelligent assistant software. Today, Amazon is known as the company with Alexa in everything. Alexa is an artificial intelligence virtual software developed by Amazon. Alexa is the hardware that Amazon's great strides are pulling in users. Experts believe that Amazon will be able to achieve more success in the future because Alexa is increasing the direct relationship with the customer.

Amazon recently unveiled and announced a new model of Echo device and new features for Alexa, which was completed at a hardware announcement event last Wednesday. The announcement also heralded the Echo Butts as a rival to Apple's Airport, making it easy for Alexa to get out of the smart home. Amazon authorities are hoping that it will be more effective and helpful than Google Assistant. Also among the new devices is Amazon's SmartGlass Echo Frames wearable. Everyone thinks that this Echo Frames technology has the ability to challenge Apple's dominance in the world of wearable technology. Echo Frames have built-in Alexa voice assistant which makes it easy to control Alexa. You can talk to it and give commands anytime from anywhere while controlling it.

Echo Frames don't have a camera in the frame so they can't take videos or photos, which Amazon sees as a positive. Very few people are getting their hands on $180 recently. As a result of these artificial intelligence-centric innovations of Amazon, many think that Amazon should move forward as an AI-centric organization. Many believe that Alexa will make it easier to connect the world with Amazon. Alexa has already revealed her capabilities. Alexa continues to support multiple languages and has revealed the benefits of adding smart security products. Alexa can easily go head-to-head with Google Assistant. The invention of Echo Bots has created the ability and opportunity to take Alexa with you.

When the person wearing the Echo Frames comments through the voice assistant, the glasses will hear the command and present the appropriate response to the person. This amazing invention is very well made. Special modern microphones are added to this frame which is added in such a way that no one outside can hear it. This frame is very attractive to use as well as look which has emerged as a special demand among customers in a short period of time.

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