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Sensation about the face of a girl 75 thousand years ago

A team of researchers in Israel has created the face of a prehistoric girl by analyzing the DNA of bones from Denisovan period fossils.

The Dhaka Times Desk As soon as the topic of 'primitive man' comes to our mind, the topic of a kind of picture comes to our mind. In which the subject of thought is expanded. This time, a sensation has been created about the face of a girl from 75 thousand years ago.

৭৫ হাজার বছর পূর্বের কিশোরীর মুখাবয়ব নিয়ে চাঞ্চল্য 1

We know primitive man lived in caves. They ate raw meat. However, many researches are going on about what Neanderthals or Denisovans, the ancestors of modern humans, actually looked like. Finally, researchers have been able to create the face of a girl from 75 thousand years ago.

According to an information in the media, a group of Israeli researchers have made the prehistoric girl's face by DNA analysis of the bones found in Denisovan period fossils.

In this regard, Hebrew University genetics professor Liran Karmel said, in 2008, evidence of the existence of Denisovan people was also found in a cave named Denisova in Siberia. A finger fossil found there belonged to a 13-year-old girl. DNA analysis of the bones revealed that the girl died 75,000 years ago. Later, the researchers also found 3 more teeth, a red bone and the lower part of the Denisovan man.

Professor Lyran Karmel says these elements are enough to build a complete portrait of a Denisovan man. We have prepared a detailed physical reconstruction of it for the first time, so that we can easily understand what those people were like. Basically we and they are the same.

Professor Liran Carmel also said the research team has also developed a technology to understand ancient DNA. Especially for learning about genes. For example: the difference in the DNA of frogs and toads, even though their DNA is actually identical. He also said that according to DNA, Denisovan people had black skin, eyes and hair. But they tried to infer, from genetic traits, how Denisovans diverged from Neanderthals and modern humans. The study identified 56 such features, the researchers said.

According to scientists, about 4.3 million years ago, a group of Homo heidelbergensis started traveling from Africa. This research group later became two separate groups. The two groups are Neanderthals and Denisovans. Among them, Neanderthals migrated to the Middle East and Europe. The Denisovans, on the other hand, moved eastward. Another group of them went to Siberia. Fossil specimens of this group are found in the Denisova Cave in the Altai Mountains of Siberia.

Another group of Denisovans migrated through Southeast Asia to Australia. Recently, researchers found evidence of Denisovans living in a cave in Tibet. Researchers say that the Denisovans disappeared from the earth about 30 thousand years ago.

Sources: The Guardian and Science Magazine

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