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Your trip: Distrust all hotels

There are thousands of traditional hotels in the world

The Dhaka Times Desk In this age of urbanization, hotels are one of the best experiences for travel lovers that make their travel more enjoyable.

আপনার ভ্রমণ: অবিশ্বাস সকল হোটেল 1

Hotels are the most attractive tourist destinations in our world. All these hotels are made in different shapes with different decorations. There are thousands of traditional hotels in the world. Crores of rupees are spent, tireless effort is given to make the hotels beautiful and charming. Various facilities and opportunities are provided to all staying at the hotel. In order to attract and please the guests, hotels are designed in different ways to give different tastes according to the taste of customers. Today's article is about some different shaped hotels.

Spaceship Hotel

I know how to hear the name spaceship works a little curiosity in our minds for those who believe in the fascination of seeing alien aliens by squeezing in a flying saucer and creating a relationship with the sky. It was created at the end of the 2012 London Olympics. They bought a large container used in the Olympics with which they built this wonderful hotel. A couple living in the United States of America is offering a treat for science fiction readers in a saucer. They worked for about a year to transform it into a flying saucer so that it looks like a complete spaceship or flying saucer. It is very well made with a lot of money spent and there is an Eleon doll at the entrance of the hotel. Inside the hotel, all the furnishings are used to give the feeling of being in a complete spaceship.

Library Hotel

It is actually a room provided by the library where book readers or book lovers can easily fall asleep inside the bookshelf. It is a bookshelf hotel opened in 2015 in the Ikebukuro area of Tokyo, Japan. It is a very popular hotel and has gained so much popularity in a short time that later this book shelf hotel was launched in six to seven other areas of Japan. This wonderful hotel is named Book and Bed. Basically, in this hotel, the shelf in each room is made in such a way that users can easily wear their favorite books while sleeping. And it has sleeping arrangements so that book lovers can easily spend the night while reading books while enjoying all the amenities. In this hotel system, two people can spend the night together after reading the book.

Send Hotel

Many of us have built sand palaces on the sea shore but have we ever thought that in the same way it is possible to build a huge hotel out of a sand castle where you can stay and even spend the night. Using such a novel idea, the Sand Hotel was created in Oos and Sneek in the Netherlands. Since 2015, sand hotels have been built every year in these two cities in the Netherlands. Where visitors can stay in hotels and those sand hotels have bedrooms, showpieces, electricity connections and all these are made of sand. The most interesting and different thing is that all the beautifying things inside this hotel and even the showpieces are made of sand. Every summer in the Netherlands, these two cities attract a lot of visitors to stay at Sand Hotels.

A night in the bird's house

For those of us who are bird lovers and nature lovers who do not get a little pure air, in the words of the poet, the bird's nest has been made in Cornwall, United Kingdom. A wonderful hotel in a very charming setting and very well designed with small rooms hanging like bird's nests. You can spend the night swinging in comfort and this house is placed 10 meters above the ground. Here, hanging from the trees 10 meters above the ground, small round rooms have been created with all the amenities in mind. Staying at this wonderful hotel is very comfortable.

Besides, there are also exciting hotels like living in an aquarium under the sea where we can easily blend in with the underwater environment. These aquarium rooms are available in reputed hotels in Dubai. Although staying in aquarium hotels is very expensive, many tourists show interest in staying in these hotels and spend thousands of dollars.

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