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Bhuswarg Kashmir today is scarred by violent attacks

Sunlight falling on the mountains and floating clouds will make the mind forget, deep blue sky will make the mind calm and more refreshed.

The Dhaka Times Desk good morning Saturday, 28 December 2019 Christ, 15 Paush 1426 Bengal, 30 Rabius Sunny 1441 Hijri. Good morning everyone from The Dhaka Times. Happy birthday to all those whose birthday is today - happy birthday.

ভূস্বর্গ কাশ্মীর আজ হিংস্র থাবায় ক্ষত-বিক্ষত 1

The view you are seeing is the view of Kashmir. It is called Bhusvarga. But Bhuswarg Kashmir today has reached a state of being scarred by the violent hordes.

As soon as the name Kashmir is seen, enchanting scenes of its wonderful beauty float in the corner of the mind. The scenic view of Srinagar Valley will no doubt impress any nature lover.

The sunlight falling on the mountains and the floating clouds will make the mind forget, the deep blue sky will make the mind calm and more refreshed.

Moreover, due to the location of Dal Lake, Hazrat Bal Math, (Dargah) Shalimar Bagh and Nishat Bagh, Kashmir has gained global recognition in a slightly different way. Pahalgao with sanctuary ropeway and wonderful trekking routes, very beautiful valleys and Kashmir has the ski resort of Gulmark. There is also the highest golf course in the world which will no doubt impress any tourist. But Indian-occupied Kashmir is now a different kind of town. Journalists are not allowed to enter there. The people there are also blocked. This is the situation there after the withdrawal of autonomy.

Image and information: Courtesy of

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