The Dhaka Times
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Human chain in Ishwardi against reduction of seats in inter-city trains

Ishwardi representative A human chain and road meeting was held at platform no. 2 of the railway station to protest against the halving of the number of seats in all intercity trains and to increase the number of seats at Ishwardi Railway Junction station.


After the human chain and road meeting, the memorandum was handed over to the General Manager of the Western Region of Railways through the Pakshi Divisional Railway Manager.

Assistant professor Hasanuzzaman, columnist Saidul Islam, Shabnam Sathi, lecturer Zakirul Mawla Sumon, Mohammad Tufan and Afrin Sultana Antu spoke at the road meeting under the chairmanship of Enamul Islam Jinnah, president of children's organization Khelghar Ishwardi branch and moderated by Ataur Rahman Bablu.

Speakers said that the importance of the oldest Ishwardi Junction station is gradually diminishing. The number of seats of all intercity trains at the station has been reduced by half. Every day thousands of people travel from Ishwardi to different regions including the capital Dhaka. It has been informed that if the demands are not implemented within the next 15 days, a larger movement will be formed.

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