The Dhaka Times
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The murder case filed against action hero Salman Khan has been postponed!

The Dhaka Times Desk Bollywood Action hero Salman Khan's The car lost control on 28 September 2002 in Bandra suburb and fell asleep on the pavement after being hit by his car. One person was killed is The session court has announced the adjournment of the hearing of the murder case 'hint and run' until July 24.


Bollywood muscleman Salman Khan appeared in a Mumbai court on Friday, the hearing was attended by Salman Khan along with some of his family members as ordered by the court. After the hearing, the case was adjourned till July 24 – Indo Asian News Service reports.

The popular actor has been charged with reckless driving and murder. If the charges are proved, it can be assumed that he will be jailed for 10 years. A news from the Dhaka Times to know more about this Involuntary manslaughter case initiated || Salman Khan may go to jail after Sanjay Dutt! read on

Last Friday, Salman Khan was sitting in the reserved seat for visitors in the court.

Earlier, the actor's case was heard in the Metropolitan Magistrate's Court before the Civil Court hearing and the Magistrate took the evidence of 17 people and sadly for Salman Khan, the Magistrate recommended filing a more serious charge under Section 304(3) of the Indian Penal Code.

In this context, two options are now before the court:

(1) Filing a new case against Salman Khan
(2) Continuation of the case by adding a more serious charge where it exists.

It is known that in the next hearing, the court expects to give a ruling on the case.

dabang The famous actor is very embarrassed about the case, to inform everyone about the case website opened up to To know more about this, read another news of The Dhaka Times, Bollywood superstar Salman Khan opened a website to inform about the case. It can be said that Salman Khan's forehead is burning because of the magistrate's recommendation to file a more serious charge, but ultimately what will be his punishment in this case, the verdict of this court will tell in the future.

Reference: Yahoo News

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