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3500 pounds can be obtained by taking the corona virus bacteria in the body!

At least 4,200 people have lost their lives due to Covid-19, the seventh species of the corona virus family

The Dhaka Times Desk If that is the case, 3500 pounds will be obtained by taking the corona virus bacteria in the body! So those who are affected by the corona virus will get the 3500 pounds?

করোনা ভাইরাস জীবানু শরীরে নিলেই ৩৫০০ পাউন্ড পাওয়া যাবে! 1

At least 4,200 people have lost their lives due to Covid-19, the seventh species of the corona virus family. A vaccine for this virus has not yet been discovered in the world. Britain's Queen Mary Bio Enterprise Innovation Care has taken an exceptional initiative in vaccine discovery. They announced that 24 healthy people would be infected with 0C43 and 229E strains of the corona virus.

However, these two species are not as dangerous as Covid-19. Volunteers who take the virus into their bodies can be paid £3,500.

Those 24 people will be kept in isolation after receiving the virus. Their physical condition will also be monitored. They will be tested. During this time they cannot come in contact with any other people.

One such venture by Queen Mary Bio Enterprise Innovation Care is yet to get approval from Britain's Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency. After getting the approval, the concerned company will start working - the news media gave this information.

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