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In Italy, the army is carrying corpses in trucks!

The Dhaka Times Desk Countless bodies are lying in a row. More bodies are being brought there from different parts. The authorities of the country are struggling to complete the cremation and burial of these bodies.

ইতালিতে সেনাবাহিনী ট্রাকে ভরে লাশ নিয়ে যাচ্ছে! 1

Army personnel are loading the bodies in trucks from different parts. Such a situation prevails in Italy.

According to the news of the international news media Guardian, Italy is at the top of the number of deaths due to the corona virus spreading worldwide. Although the virus was first detected in China, they also announced the closure of the last hospital set up to treat the corona. However, the virus is still spreading throughout the world.

Currently, Italy, Spain and Iran are facing dire situations. Meanwhile, India is also at a terrible risk, according to the US research organization. It is feared that 300 million people of India may be affected.

Highlighting the situation in Italy, according to Guardian news, the number of infected people in the country was 41 thousand 35 till Friday. The number of dead is 3 thousand 405 people. Only 4440 people have recovered there. At least 1,959 people died in Bergamo in the Lombardy region. But the exact data of death in this province is not confirmed till now.

The situation in Italy worsened on Wednesday. That night, 65 coffins were wrapped and taken from the Bergamo cemetery to Bologna by the army. Coffins are being transported from one region to another for burial. The army has to move trucks full of corpses every day.

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